About Us

We are addressing the plight of marginalized poor rural communities since 1992

Development Foundation for Rural Areas (DEFORA) is a registered non-governmental organization (NGO) that started in 1992 as a Community-Based Organization and later registered as an NGO in 1994. The organization was founded by four committed rural philanthropic women and three men to address the plight of marginalized poor rural communities mostly women and children to help them improve their incomes.
DEFORA operates in the area covering the districts of Rwenzori region in Western Uganda with its head office located in Nyantungo road, Kyenjojo district. 


A healthy informed and self-sustaining community free from human rights violations.


To improve the livelihoods of rural communities for sustainable development in the Rwenzori region through programs for economic empowerment, healthcare, nature conservation, and human rights advocacy.


  • To promote human rights-based approaches in the Rwenzori region

  • To promote interventions on HIV/AIDS awareness, care, and support to the affected and infected

  • To promote social economic empowerment among rural communities

  • To improve the sanitation and safe water supply

  • To develop practical skills among vulnerable children and the youth

  • To promote parent’s participation in children’s learning and increase food security at the school and household level

  • Sensitize communities and dialogue with all stakeholders on ending child marriage

  • Sensitize and train adolescent girls on sexual and reproductive health issues

Featured Programs

We strive to  improve the livelihoods of rural communities for sustainable development

According to data from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), about 263 million children, adolescents, and youth worldwide – one in every five – are out of school, a figure that has barely changed over the past five years.

Uganda is predominantly a patriarchal society. Men and boys are superior to girls and women and are entitled to equal rights. There is widespread acceptability of discrimination against gender and most communities including the survivors see nothing wrong with it.

DEFORA has strengthened Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) and built the capacity of rural communities by targeting good agronomic practices and post-harvest management.
Under strengthening resilience and economic empowerment VSLA groups were created that support women and the youth.

Water, Sanitation And hygiene

Uganda has experienced two decades of economic growth, leading to large population movements from rural areas to informal settlements around urban centers. High population growth – nearly triple the global average – stressed the water and sanitation services that exist. 

Human Rights Advocacy

DEFORA has intergrated income generation and human rights by supporting OVC’s and their families with income generation projects including dairy farming, piggery. This has Increased awareness in communities of the area of operation on the child rights promotion and protection which has reduced incidences of child abuse especially in schools of Kyenjojo.